Healers become Teachers

Personal healing is often discrete and personal. But a group may be like a container of love that brings out an even stronger healing potential. Also, more and more people want to understand energy healing and even develop their own gifts and talents. This is why I decided to carry forth the experience by practice and sharing. 

Speaking personal truth

For so many reasons you may be hiding and denying what you really experienced in life. Yet liberating what you know is the truth and becoming aligned with your intimate self is the only way to be vital and radiant.

working with the invisible





I share fascinating teachings and powerful experiences of Energy Healing. Every one of us has incredible talents that touch other people's lives and transform the situations we are in. The more we explore our personal expression, the more we add wonder and fulfillment to our life on earth.

Solid and practical wisdom



When I work with you, either on distance or in person, you will experience directly how your energies are moving. And you will receive key information about your history and your present openings. You will become aware of what exactly brings you the inspiration and balance you were looking for.